PRD co-development group for managers, professionals or employees

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This training is currently only available in French.

Who is this service for?

For managers, professionals or employees interested in a progressive learning approach.  


By offering co-development to groups of managers or employees in your organization, we aim to facilitate reflection and exchange, enabling participants to elevate their leadership posture while maintaining a healthy work climate. Co-development ensures that skills development is all the more significant since this practice is based on the principles of collective intelligence. It offers participants the opportunity to learn from their peers, while improving and consolidating their professional practices.  

What's more, our consultant facilitators enable your employees to take ownership of the co-development method, which can then be easily replicated internally by the groups formed. This proven learning method offers cost-effective development opportunities. 


  • Facilitate discussions and exchanges enabling participants to deepen their knowledge of RDP, including psychosocial risk factors;
  • Experience the benefits of a co-development approach and be able to implement its principles within your team or organization; 
  • Provide a confidential space where each participant feels listened to, valued and supported in their professional concerns and challenges;
  • Be part of a professional support group.


Content is tailored to the needs of participants. For example, the following topics could be covered:

A number of topics can be covered, such as :

  • Psychosocial risks and risk factors according to the CNESST
  • Best practices in conflict prevention and management
  • Collaboration in an era of social change
  • Mobilization in a teleworking context
  • Winning conditions for creating and maintaining a culture of civility
  • The coaching approach
  • Management and leadership skills
  • Mobilizing a work team 
  • Managing cases of psychological and sexual violence and harassment in the workplace
  • Managing dysfunctional behavior in the workplace
  • Interpersonal communication styles 

Teaching method

Facilitation using the Champagne and Payette co-development approach, which involves a reflective approach. Management and/or reference tools will be shared according to the themes addressed.


2 to 3 hours per meeting, depending on your needs




Terms and conditions

  • Available in hybrid, remote or customized formats. 
  • Meeting dates: Between 3 and 8 meetings, depending on your needs.
  • Group size: Between 4 and 12 participants


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(taxes not included.)

Price for individual registration
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Group training

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