This training is currently only available in French.
Persons responsible for handling reports and complaints of psychological or sexual harassment in their workplace.
This package includes individual registration for the following three training courses: Harassment Admissibility Analysis, Internal Investigation and Reporting to Management, and Internal Mediation in the Workplace. These four-day courses are given in hybrid mode, i.e. they contain an asynchronous part (consisting of pre-recorded teaching material accessible online) and a synchronous part, in a virtual classroom on a videoconferencing platform or in person.
Develop their skills and competencies in the internal management of harassment situations, from the emergence of a situation of relational tension to the implementation and completion of the process for resolving the situation, through investigation or mediation.
This package combines the contents of the three included training courses, enabling participants to develop their skills in the informal and formal internal management of harassment situations.
Hybrid online training: theoretical lectures, narrated PowerPoint presentations, exercises, mediation sessions in sub-groups of three and plenary feedback.