In real time
In real time
In real time

Cultivating trust within teams

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This training is currently only available in French.

Who should attend?

Persons responsible for applying the organizational policy on dealing with situations of violence and harassment, professionals, senior executives, HR advisors, managers, persons in authority and employees.


This training course provides an introduction to the notion of psychological safety at work, conceptualized by researcher Amy Edmondson in the late 90s, and which is worth exploring with a view to creating a group culture resolutely focused on collaboration rather than self-protection. Defined as a feeling of shared trust within a team, psychological safety is said to enable continuous learning, support and sharing of expertise, as well as cohesion and efficiency. In this sense, it can be seen as an antidote to group cultures marked by competition, undue confrontation and every man for himself - known risk factors for incivility and harassment.


  1. Define psychological safety at work and present its main determinants, indicators and effects;
  2. Position this notion in the context of maintaining a healthy and stimulating work environment;
  3. Enable participants to assess the level of psychological safety within their teams and reflect on their impact on group dynamics;
  4. Describe the key role of managers in establishing and maintaining a high level of psychological safety;
  5. Know the levers that can be used to enhance safety within a team.


  • The story behind psychological safety
  • Introduction to the concept and its components
  • Articulating the links between psychological safety and other concepts such as: emotional intelligence, civility, empathy, benevolence in management, assertiveness, etc.
  • How to enhance psychological safety in team and supervisory meetings
  • How psychological safety enables a new approach to mistakes and conflicts

Teaching method

Dynamic in-person or remote animation

*This training can be presented as an awareness conference for a larger audience (60 to 90 minutes). Please ask us for a quote.


1h 30 minutes




In real time

Access real-time training, in person or virtually, with interactive learning activities.

Terms and conditions


Quebec Bar


(taxes not included.)

2 000$
Price for individual registration
The price is for a group of around 15 people.
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Group training

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