Noémie Manseau

Noémie Manseau

Lawyer, accredited mediator, investigator


NoémieManseau is a lawyer-investigator and accredited mediator with PRDSA.Ms. Manseau holds a bachelor's degree in law - cooperative program from the Université de Sherbrooke, obtained with honours from the dean. She articled with a Quebec City firm in labour law, commercial law and civil litigation, where she then practised as a lawyer for two years. During her studies,Ms. Manseau completed several internships with the federal government in intellectual property and with the legal department of an international company, where she assisted lawyers with compliance analysis mandates and drafted internal procedures. 

Ms. Manseau is also a member of the board of directors of her neighbourhood council, and is currently completing a master's degree in Dispute Prevention and Resolution (DPR) at the Université de Sherbrooke.

At PRDSA,Me Manseau mediates, investigates and conducts neutral assessments of psychological harassment and problematic workplace situations for public and private organizations.

Training offered by

Noémie Manseau

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